"Life is an accumulation of experiences..."

Sunday, June 3, 2012

An account of my near-death experience

(for what it's worth) 

"Theres a man with a gun over there, tellin me i got to beware, i think it's time we stop, children
what's that sound everybody look what's goin down

 Buffalo Springfrield

A month ago, I was sitting at my desk, reading an article about the student protests in Chile written by Francisco Goldman, in the middle of very passionately reading about how a group of students were collecting used stink bombs that had been employed by the police as a crowd control measure to create a symbol of peace in the central square. Suddenly, I heard a loud bang ,like the sound of fireworks; once, and then once again. Inmediately, I jumped up out of my seat and approached the window to find two holes. It was in that moment that I realized that the sound had been that of two gun shots fired through to my window.

In panic, I threw myself to the ground. The moment I had so feared but always knew was coming was finally here; in that instant I thought of all the infimous shootings that I had read about; The Virginia Tech Massacre, The  Columbine High school massacre, the conceal and carry student campaign to allow guns on campus, and I saw the highlights of my life flash before my eyes (mainly feeding my dog Skippy) hundreds of unanswered questions ran through my mind; What is the meaning of life? Would I ever experience real love? How do they make blue bell ice cream so tasty?

I came from Colombia; considered by U.S. Homeland Security as one of the most dangerous countries in the world, but I had never felt so much fear. The shots were coming from the the yard behind mine, and I heard voices from what appeared to be a student party. I bravely decided to go over, facing possible death, to find out what was really going on. I stormed out of my door, screaming curse words at my potential assassin in fury.

When I got there, my neighbours politely and apologetically explained that they were having a party, had gotten quite drunk, and it occured to them that it could be fun to line up a row of cans to practice their aim.

"I'm so sorry, probably we misfired and hit your window. Please, don't call the police because we don't know who fired the shot. Of course, we'll pay the damage to the window, take my cell and tomorrow we'll get you the money."


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